About the Author

Hello, and welcome to Don’t Blow On Cartridges! My name is Bess, and I’ve been playing video games since before it is probably advisable to allow a child to play video games.

I was raised on a steady diet of Nintendo, beginning with the Gameboy Advance SP and GameCube. Four DSes, two Wiis, and one Switch later, you could charitably call me something of a Nintendo fan. However, I had my horizons broadened about two years ago, when I lucked into my very first non-Nintendo console: an Xbox 360.

Follow me, then, as I journey through newer titles on the Switch and discover older titles for the first time on the 360. I’ll be providing opinions and analysis on both, with reactions to gaming news and the odd review thrown in too.

WordPress not your thing? Find me on Tumblr and Twitter instead.